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PowerCode Discontinuation

Earlier in the year we were informed that Visonic planned to cease their powercode range.

ACT stopped selling and installing PowerCode systems back in 2014, however some of our customers that originally purchased their system from an alternative supplier may have purchased the system beyond this date.

Since this notice we have worked tirelessly to secure supplies of spare parts for our customers to ensure we can continue to support your alarm.

To ensure this we have had to impose some restrictions if you have a powercode alarm system, these are currently the following:

  1. We have suspended further sales of warranty to PowerCode. This step has been taken to ensure our ability to service customers that are currently in contract with us.

  2. We have suspended additional PowerCode equipment sales.

We would like to assure you that if you already have a maintenance contract we will have spare parts for the foreseeable future & if we begin to run low we will give you significant notice and a variety of alternative options.

Below are images of the systems that are effected.

If you have any further queries please don't hesitate to Contact Us

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